Electromagnetic stimulus lever.

(Elektromagnetische Reizhebel.)
Description: This, like items 400 and 402, is designed to provide a carefully controlled touch stimulus. Thus, this is, in essence, also an esthesiometer, shown, mounted on a stand with a triangular cross-section. The recording component is a bristle on a wooden lever, on the left, fitted with a stay (Anker. A small electromagnet (for current supply) is attached to the same shaft on which the writing lever moves. This permits visualizing the motion of the lever when it does have a horizontal motion. The electromagnet can be moved closer or farther away to change the force of the touch, and the position of the electromagnet is indicated by a "straw" or thin pointer. Two or more of these devices could be mounted on one stand in order to determine the two-point threshold and Weber circles, or circular areas which seem to be sensitive to one nerve cell. (Expanded caption Copyright 1998, Edward J. Haupt)
(Source: Frey and Metzner. (1902). Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, 29, 161-182.)
Source of illustration: Zimmermann, E. (1903). XVIII. Preis- Liste über psychologische und physiologische Apparate (p. 115). Leipzig: Eduard Zimmermann.

Type: Component
Stimulus: Minimum touch
System: Touche
Output: Go/No-Go decision

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