Ergograph, writing apparatus.

(Ergograph, Schreibapparat.)
Description: This illustration, unfortunately, does not show the critical connections, on the left, to the finger held in place by No. 388, and to the right, over the pulley, down to the weight that is repeatedly lifted by finger movement. The device, mainly, consists of a bristle holder which can write on a kymograph drum. This device is described as having an advantage over No. 391 (not illustrated), in that it has a cord which runs on two pulleys, which permits the writing apparatus to move in one direction to permit multiple recordings on the same kymograph drum. The band which moves in one direction is used to provide a cumlulating measure of effort. (Expanded caption Copyright 1998, Edward J. Haupt)
(Source: None given.)
Source of illustration: Zimmermann, E. (1903). XVIII. Preis- Liste über psychologische und physiologische Apparate (p. 111). Leipzig: Eduard Zimmermann.

Type: component, recording
System: muscle movement

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