Drum kymograph, of own (Zimmermann's) new construction)

(Trommel Kymographion eigene Neukonstruktion)
Description: This is largely a Baltzar-style kymograph (see Inside Cover, Fig. 000c). Ludwig-Baltzar kymograph /A>, the standard variable-speed kymograph. The device has a spring motor, and because the speed tends to increase in the beginning as well as slow down when the spring is nearly finished, speed regulation is accomplished by rotating vanes which encounter air resistance and which have springs to prevent excursions which are too wide. The spring can cause the drum to turn from 2 seconds to 1.5 hours per revolution. The improvements include a stronger horizontal bearing for the driving shaft from the spring motor and a stand that places the spring motor more directly on a level with the driven shaft. The vertical shaft on which the drum revolves is longer, which permits the kymograph to receive input from a wider variety of apparatus. (Expanded caption Copyright 1998, Edward J. Haupt)
(Source: Clearly modeled on Baltzar.)
Source of illustration: Zimmermann, E. (1903). XVIII. Preis- Liste über psychologische und physiologische Apparate (p. 56) (p. 60). Leipzig: Eduard Zimmermann.

Type: component, recording, continuous response
Stimulus: N/A
System: N/A
Output: graphical time record

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