Wundt's rotatory apparatus for "Complication" studies

(Rotationsapparatus für Komplikations-Versuche nach Wundt)
Description: This is Wundt's improved apparatus for the "complication" experiment. The apparatus appeared in 1902, in one of the last issues of Philosophische Studien and one year before Wundt's 70-year Festschrift in Volume 20. The article was apparently the first article (p. 3) of that volume, and thus seems to have pride of place. Since, at this time, no one was much interested in the voluntarist or anti-mechanist conclusions of this experiment, Wundt's continuing interest in this topic is puzzling. (Expanded caption Copyright 1998, Edward J. Haupt)
(Source: Wundt, Philosophische Studien,XVIII, 3)
Source of illustration: Zimmermann, E. (1903). XVIII. Preis- Liste über psychologische und physiologische Apparate (p. 22). Leipzig: Eduard Zimmermann.

Type: research
Stimulus: pointer position
System: mental process
Output: reaction time

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