Wundt's pendulum apparatus for "Complication" studies

(Pendel-Apparat für Komplikations-Versuche nach Wundt)
Description: This is like the original apparatus required for Wundt's complication experiment. The "complication" experiment required a subject to visually track the pointer moving across a large dial. The subject had to take either a visual or auditory set and respond to an auditory signal. When the subject had a visual set, the reaction time was longer, and Wundt argued that the task required a "voluntary" switching of attention. It was criticized by Drobisch in 1864. (Expanded caption Copyright 1998, Edward J. Haupt)
(Source: Wundt's Physiologische Psychologie, not otherwise cited)
Source of illustration: Zimmermann, E. (1903). XVIII. Preis- Liste über psychologische und physiologische Apparate (p. 21). Leipzig: Eduard Zimmermann.

Type: research
Stimulus: pointer position
System: mental process
Output: reaction time

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